ANOM & CUSUM (Software Application)

  • The ANOM & CUSUM software license is an annual rental for $3,000 Dlls.
  • This license can support one block with up to 10 manufacturing lines or 10 sources of variation1.


  • Software installation for all manufacturing lines within the Block
  • Training for Mfg. Operators, Quality Inspectors, Supervisors.
  • Installation on-site to computers for remote monitoring of process results 2.
  • 52 hours of support3
  • Customzed implementation trainig to help you get the most out of its features and functions.
  • Free software upgrades

1 Manufacturing Lines, Machines, Shifts, Operators, etc.

2 Please see the server requirements.

3 Restricions apply.

ANOM & CUSUM (Software Application) Book Training