Supplier Quality

En Español

Aligning your business with suppliers that operate at consistently high levels of quality is necessary to keeping your own organization performing at a high level.

Implement the most advanced tools to manage suppliers across all five phases of the supplier management process; Selection, Engagement, Training, Component Qualification and Performance Monitoring.

Component Qualification Process (Software application)

  • The perfect linkage between your company and your RM suppliers
  • Raise the level of partnership
  • Implement prevention at the source
  • Continuous Performance Monitoring
  • Consistently meet RM specifications
  • Move Suppliers from COC (Certificate of Compliance) to COA (Certificate of Analysis)
  • Stop/reduce Incoming Inspection with suppliers that contribute with 80% of the volume and the most critical.

Component Qualification Program

Step 1
Identify RM Suppliers
  • Select Suppliers and Part Numbers according to priorities and or business strategy.
  • Define criteria and qualification requirements.
Step 2
Supplier’s Engagement
  • Official notification to the supplier.
  • Raise the level of partnership.
  • Suppliers confirmation on the engagement.
Step 3
Supplier’s Training
  • EWMA chart design
  • Spreadsheet and MINITAB tools
  • Use of Component Qualification Software
  • Reports required
Step 4
Components Qualification
  • Identify Critical to Quality conditions
  • EWMA charts and CPk’s monitoring
  • Develop and implement a Defect Book
  • Send report with shipments
Step 5
RM Supplier Assessment
  • Monitoring Supplier performance through EWMA charts
  • Continuous communication with Suppliers
Process Steps