
On - Site Training
  • 12 Hours
  • We adjust to your availability
  • Attendance NO LIMIT
  • $2,395 Dlls
On-Line Training
  • 10 Hours
  • We adjust to your availability
  • $245 Dlls / Participant

Training Topics:


  • Benchmarking for continuous improvement
  • The Business Environment
  • Benchmarking Defined
  • Benchmarking and Strategic Planning
  • Competitive Analysis
  • About Process Benchmarking

I. Introducing Process Benchmarking

  • Core Competencies
  • Key business Processes
  • Critical Success Factors
  • Conducting a Benchmarking Study
  • TQM and Benchmarking
  • Execise

II. Planning a Benchmarking Study

  • Deciding What to Benchmark
  • Determining Customer Needs
  • Understanding the Business Model
  • Profiling The Process
  • Developing The Benchmarking Plan
  • Case Study
  • Exercise

III. Searching for World-Class Processes

  • Directing the Search
  • Leveraging Strategic Relationships
  • Using Secondary Sources
  • Summarizing Secondary Information
  • Selecting Best-in-Class Companies to Visit
  • Case Study
  • Exercise

IV. Observing Best Practices

  • Setting the Tone
  • Planning the Visit
  • Developing a Questionnaire
  • Observing Ethical Guidelines
  • Conducting the Site Visit
  • Recording the Data
  • Case Study
  • Exercise

V. Analyzing Performance Gaps

  • Evaluating the Situation
  • Stratifying the Data
  • Projecting the Gaps
  • Identifying Process Enablers
  • Case Study
  • Exercise

VI. Adapting Superior Practices to your Culture

  • Synthesizing Best Practices
  • Developing an Action Plan
  • Setting the Goals
  • Managing Your Culture
  • Implementing the Plan
  • Gaining Organizational Support
  • Case Study
  • Exercise

VII. Improving Process Performance

  • Using Team Creativity
  • Mapping the Historical Trend
  • Tracking Success Factors
  • Completing the Cycle
  • Case Study
  • Exercise

VIII. Seeking the Horizon

  • Benchmarking as a Process
  • Supporting a Benchmarking Program
  • Putting It All Together
  • Applying TQM to Benchmarking
  • Going Beyond the Boundaries
  • Case Study
  • Exercise

Benchmarking Book Training