Supplier Quality

On - Site Training
  • 20 Hours
  • We adjust to your availability
  • Attendance NO LIMIT
  • $3,995 Dlls
On-Line Training
  • 16 Hours
  • We adjust to your availability
  • $395 Dlls / Participant

Training Topics:


  • Raise the Level of Partnership with Raw Material Suppliers
  • Implement Prevention at the Source
  • Continues interaction/follow up
  • Stop/Reduce Incoming Inspection


  • Identify RM Suppliers.
    • Select Suppliers and Part Numbers according to priorities and or business strategy
    • Define criteria and qualification requirements
  • Supplier’s Engagement
    • Official notification to the supplier
    • Raise the level of partnership
    • Suppliers’ confirmation on the engagement
  • Supplier’s Training
    • EWMA chart design
    • Spreadsheet and MINITAB tools
    • Use of Component Qualification Software
    • Reports required
  • Components Qualification
    • Identify Critical to Quality conditions
    • EWMA charts and CPk’s monitoring
    • Develop and implement a Defect Book
    • Send report with shipments
  • RM supplier Assessment
    • Monitoring Supplier performance through EWMA charts
    • Continuous communication with Suppliers

Supplier Quality Book Training